JIGSAW Thornbury Disclaimer Policy
Information on our website is used to inform and report and is not intended to be a substitute for independent advice. We make every effort to make sure the content is accurate and up to date, but we accept no liability in relation to typographical error or third party information.
Links to other websites are provided as other useful sources of information. Inclusion of a link to another website does not imply endorsement by JIGSAW Thornbury of any kind as to their content or quality
JIGSAW Thornbury’s Approach
JIGSAW Thornbury is committed to the safeguarding and the protection of children, young people and the vulnerable. Our aim is to provide our members, volunteers, & Directors with clear guidance about their role and responsibilities in safeguarding.
We respect and will treat anything you say to us in a confidential way, however if you disclose concerns to us that is of a safe guarding matter we have a duty to report this.
If you have any concerns about the safeguarding of a child please do speak to one of our volunteers who will give you details of our Designated Safeguarding Manager.
Our volunteers have all received safeguarding training.
Our Safeguarding Policy Statement is available by clicking here and full policies and procedures by clicking here.
Supervision of Children and Young People
At all JIGSAW Thornbury sessions and events please can we remind you it is the responsibility of Parents or Carers to supervise their own children as we do not have a childcare facility or provide play workers.
We provide and organise the meeting place /activity /trip for us all to take part in.
We also ask that all our members please complete our photo/filming consent form; please contact us.
The following policies are also available:
301 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy – v3.00
401 – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy – v1.00