Parent/carer training and awareness
We deliver a variety of awareness and toolkit sessions for parents and carers. We also arrange for external trainers from other organisations to deliver on topics that parents may have requested specific support with that we don’t have the expertise to deliver. This not only benefits our families but also helps to improve the knowledge of our staff and volunteers in these areas. We are currently developing online webinars so that more families can benefit from our training.

Training and awareness in schools
We are currently reviewing the training and awareness sessions we offer in schools and developing a new offer called JIGSAW Connect. The sessions will offer a basic background to a topic area alongside signposting to additional workshops and toolkit sessions. Watch this space for more information coming soon.

Project 5
Project 5 is a programme and journal developed around Mind’s 5 ways to wellbeing. It helps anxious children and young people to develop an understanding of why we become anxious and learn coping strategies. The project uses techniques in positive psychology, growth mindset and encourages gratefulness.