Signposting page
Other support and useful information
Welcome to our Signposting page
Organisations are listed alphabetically according to National or Regional areas, with generalised support separate from specific areas of need.
Please check the information on websites to determine individual circumstances where support is available.
South Gloucestershire
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Bath and N.E Somerset
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National – General Support
The Brain Charity
Practical help, emotional support, and support and social activities for anyone with a neurological condition in the UK and their family, friends, and carers.
Brandon Trust
Playlink scheme, mentoring, supported living, enterprises and employment projects.
Carers Card UK
Wellbeing hub, carers circle tool, discounts, guides, QR code enabling accessible carers plan.
Book and toy library. Targeted advice, guidance, template letters and downloadable booklets on education and transport, DLA and accessing public services, sleep, toilet training and continence, behaviour, legal, financial, and social advice.
Information, signposting, support, helpline, shop for aids, equipment and clothes for variety of disabilities.
Dedicated to improving children’s bladder and bowel health and reducing the impact on children and their families. Helpline, shop, training, resources and support.
Family Fund
Providing grants for families with children with disabilities on low incomes. Information and news on wider support.
Supporting 18–25-year-olds with learning disabilities and/or autism to develop skills and confidence to access the community and activities.
IPSEA Independent Provider of Special Educational Needs Advice
Legal advice, training, helpline, template letters.
Range of activities and clubs for children, young people, and adults
General descriptions of conditions, assessment options, treatments, prognosis and other information and links for support.
The School Exclusion Project
Providing free legal advice and representation for children facing permanent exclusion.
Advice and support, online community, Helpline, employment support services.
Supporting people with complex disabilities. Providing advice and support, local groups, virtual buddying, short breaks, education and work, sibling and carer support, MSI specialists.
For the support of siblings of disabled people.
The Sleep Charity
Information and support for sleep difficulties in children and adults. Helpline.
Helping you secure the right SEN provision for your child.
Making it possible for children and young people with exceptional health needs to be cared for in their own home wherever possible.
National – Specific Areas
The Autism Page
Information, support, free resources, and a shop.
National Autistic Society
Services directory, online community, advice and guidance, diagnostic services, support in the community through local branches.
The PDA Society (Pathological Demand Avoidance)
Information, training and support for PDA people, parents and carers, and professionals.
Offering a range of services depending on where you live to support families ranging through youth programmes, play programmes, short breaks, 1:1 support, holiday playschemes and befriending.
Information, advice and support for people with ADHD and related conditions. Tests, treatments, parenting tips, and webinars.
Podcasts, advice and support around screening, diagnosis, and the education system.
ADHD Foundation
Training, private assessment, events, webinars, and information for educators, healthcare professionals, adults, and families.
Specific Learning Difficulties
Dyscalculia Information Centre
Information, resources, and signposting.
The Dyslexia Association
Support and services for dyslexic children, adults, their parents/families, educators and communities.
Sensory Disabilities
Written information, videos, online courses, and helpline
Deafblind UK
Helpline, textline, information, and support for families experiencing deaf blindness.
Guide Dogs
Information, support, customised books in larger or dyslexia friendly font (Custom Eyes Books), Helpline.
Free resources and information. Speech and language therapists.
Royal National Institute for Deaf People
Helpline, shop, specialised radio station, social events, Facebook group, advice and support.
Sensory Support Service
Providing support and advice to children and young people with sensory impairment aged 0-25, their families, and educational settings across Bristol, South Gloucestershire, and Bristol and North East Somerset. support service
Sight Support West of England
Information, advice, events and exhibitions, resource centres, magazine and social events.
Speech and Language UK
Information on signs and symptoms, ages and stages, and a progress checker. Resource library. Speech and language therapist advice line and webinars.
Mental Health
Beating Eating Disorders
Helpline, webchat or email. Support for sufferer and family/friends.
Happy Maps
Support and advice for children of all ages. Helpline, ability to email for advice. 1:1 counselling and BSL interpreter available.
Free, safe and anonymous support. 1:1 professional online support and monitored online forums, and podcasts.
Information and advice, online peer support, helpline.
Genetic Conditions
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Helpline, WhatsApp chat, forum peer support, information, grants.
Downs Syndrome Association
Helpline, support and information.
Genetic Alliance UK
Support, information, and resources.
Muscle Help Foundation
Delivering transformational interventions, experiences, or moments-in-time across the U.K. for vulnerable children, young people, or young adults aged 8-28 years with Muscular Dystrophy and their families.
Muscular Dystrophy UK
Helpline, What’s app support groups, support, information, peer support.
Turner Syndrome Support Society
Helpline, localised friendship groups, information and resources.
Movement and Neurological Disorders
Cerebral Palsy
Support, information, and signposting.
Dystonia UK
Information and support, webinars, podcasts, local support groups.
Epilepsy Action
Helpline, befriending, support, information, and training.
Epilepsy Society
Helpline, information and support.
Hypermobility Syndrome Association
Helpline, events, information on connective tissue disorders including hypermobility syndrome and EDS.
Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus – Shine.
Regional support groups, events, network of peers, help and advice, twice yearly magazine.
Tourettes Action
Helpdesk, support groups, events, information, resources.
Young Epilepsy
Support, information, resources, and training for children, young people, carers/parents, and professionals impacted by epilepsy.
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