We are looking for homes for our beautiful handmade cushions lovingly created by parent carers at our Creative Wellbeing Group.

Members of our Creative Wellbeing group have enjoyed using various sewing techniques to make cushion covers in a project supported by a local branch of The Arts Society.


At this relaxed weekly group held at our home in Thornbury, parents and carers are supported to build connections and improve wellbeing. Together, they have created cushion covers which will be donated to community spaces such as the library, care homes, and warm spaces in Thornbury.


“I found help, solace and therapy in the creative wellbeing sessions; a place to cry or laugh and not feel guilty for either alongside trying some old and new crafts for some essential wellbeing and mindfulness.” Feedback from a Creative Wellbeing attendee.

This project was made possible thanks to funding from The Arts Society which some of the group visited recently. Ceri, who has benefited from the project as a parent member, said…

“It was lovely to meet the people from the Arts Society. They were so interested in the work we do at JIGSAW and hearing about the different techniques we used during the cushion project, like patchwork, English paper piecing, and log cabin. We are all so grateful for the funding they awarded for the project. It’s been really good for emotional wellbeing, and great to do something productive which looks lovely but also benefits the community.”

Please get in touch with us if there is a community organisation or space that you feel will appreciate a cushion donation from us. Drop us a message at admin@jigsawthornbury.org.uk

Members of JIGSAW Thornbury are invited to join in with new taster craft activities each week at our Creative Wellbeing group for parents and carers every Wednesday from 1:00pm – 2:30pm. It’s a friendly group offering the chance to chat and connect with others, whilst crafting.  It’s free and easy to join online as a member to access any of our support services.